Category Archives: NBI

NBI: Blogging Tips!

Hiya folks! Remember me? I’ve been a bit absent from things lately. Real life has yanked me back into it’s sphere with it’s slimy tentacles, and is flailing me about at the moment. I’ve been trying to DPS it down as quickly as I can, but I think I need a few gear upgrades. Which, coincidentally, I’ll get if I can get these down. Sound familiar?

So! Blogging Tips! I have a few. 🙂

Naming your Blog: Think long-term on this. When I first started blogging, I was playing World of Warcraft, and as I was trying to think of a good name, I remembered the pet name that some of my guildies called me… Battle Priestess. It was a fantastic blog name, and very successful – until I stopped playing WoW for a while, and moved into other games. Then it just didn’t seem to fit anymore – I wasn’t playing a priest, and for some reason the “Battle” part seemed too closely tied to Blizzard’s I waffled about for a while, and briefly tried making different blogs for different games – which was a terrible idea, I might add. Eventually I decided to make the complete switch to Wild Boar Inn as a multi-gaming blog, which so far has worked out nicely. Still, I had built up so much traffic & so many links and just a lot of publicity overall for Battle Priestess, and I still hate that I lost that history. So try not to tie the blog name too closely to your class, race, or game of choice. You may one day decide to play a different game or a different class, and you may end up kicking yourself.

Blogging Schedule: Don’t feel obligated to post something every single day. Some folks will say that you should post every day to drive your traffic up, and I get that. Still, I think it’s better to wait until you really have a topic that’s burning a hole in your soul and needs to be articulated – even if that only happens once every 1-2 weeks. Your overall blog quality will be better, and speaking of me personally as a reader, I’d much rather see quality over quantity. Most of the best bloggers in the gaming circle can post quality articles every single day, but they’ve also been doing this for years. When you’re new, take it easy on yourself, don’t feel like you have to post something just to post.

Leave of Absence: If you need to take a break for a while, by all means do so! Just post and let folks know about it and when to expect you back – that way you won’t get removed from blogrolls and readers for inactivity. This is something I need to work on myself.

Theme/Template Design:

  • Chances are you’re running off of Blogger or Both have a ton of pre-set themes you can choose from, and… well, some are better than others. Try to pick one that’s not super-busy, bright, or features loud colors. People may be reading your blog while at work, so a plainer theme on a white background works best for this. With this blog I tend to use busy background images, but the body of the blog is white so that the window can be resized and all that imagery goes away.
  • Stay away from super-fancy fonts for the actual posts; a fancy font for the header is fine. Don’t go super-large or super-small on the post fonts either.
  • Make sure that you have a Search box near the top of the page. If your theme doesn’t have this, it can likely be added through a widget.
  • Also make sure that you have links to your RSS feed, Twitter/G+, email, and any other social media that you use. Make it easy for people to get in touch with you! There are a ton of free-to-use icons that you can get for this – just google “free social media icons”.
  • A blogroll is also nice to have, both so that you can recommend blogs to your readers and so that you can trade links with other bloggers.
  • Finally – if you’re going to put images in your sidebar, it’s nice if you resize them to all be the same width. It’ll look more polished and less distracting. If you don’t have Photoshop, you can get the less expensive Photoshop Elements, or even use the free open-source software called Gimp to do so.

Find Your Voice: Every blogger has their own voice, their own personality, their own point-of-view. As a matter of fact, I’d say that if you were given 5 blog posts on the same topic by 5 different well-known bloggers, you could probably guess which blogger wrote each one just by reading them. You don’t want to copy your favorite blogger’s voice, it just won’t come across right. My suggestion is to write like you speak. Sometimes it even helps to record yourself speaking about a topic like you were talking to a friend about it, and then use that as the basis of your post. Your voice will come in time, and you’ll soon settle into a style that works for you. Don’t sweat it too much, just let it happen naturally. You may find that over time, your writing style will change – and that’s not a bad thing. Let it evolve and grow.

Time for the Newbie Blogger Initiative!

It’s May 1st, and that means it’s time for the Newbie Blogger Initiative, or NBI for the acronymically-inclined! The Wild Boar Inn is a proud sponsor blog this year, and I’m so excited about participating as a sponsor blog for the event.

Syp from Bio Break has coordinated this fantastic event for us this month. If you enjoy reading gaming blogs and think it might be fun to start one yourself, you’re in for a treat. Over 70 established gaming bloggers have agreed to participate this year, so this is your chance to learn from some of the best bloggers in the community.

Here’s how it will work:

During the month of May, all of the sponsor blogs will write about advice, tips, and tricks for starting and maintaining your own gaming blog. All of these advice articles will be collected into one list at the NBI website so that you can easily check all of them out as the month progresses. We’ll also be available on the NBI forums so that we can get to know the new bloggers, answer questions, and give specific advice when needed.

All you need to do as a new blogger is to register at the NBI website as a newbie blogger and start your blog using whatever blogging platform you prefer. You can have a blog dedicated to one particular game or a general gaming blog, with any kind of niche you like. If you have any questions on how to start a blog or if you need advice, ask away on the NBI forums, we’ll be there to help!

From that point forward, we’ll be cheering you on! What you as a new blogger will get out of this, in addition to the advice articles, is an immediate audience for your blog, additional blog traffic, and links to your blog throughout the blogging community. It’s a best-case scenario for starting a gaming blog, and we love hearing new voices, so it’s a win-win situation all-around!

And if starting a blog is something that you’ve always thought about doing, let me encourage you to give it a try, at least during the month of May, to see how you like it. You don’t have to be a former English major or a freelance writer in order to blog, and you don’t have to blog every day. The only real prerequisite is having a passion (and opinions! opinions are good!) about gaming. Syp encouraged me to give it a shot two years ago, and not only has it been a wonderful creative outlet, but I’ve met so many wonderful people in the gaming community through blogging. It’s totally worth it!

I want to meet you next! So head on over to the NBI forums, get registered, and get started! Cheers!

NBI Sponsor Blogs: Games and Geekery, The Wild Boar Inn, MMO Fallout, Tastes Like Battle Chicken, Grimnir’s Grudge, Roll One Hundred, Dragonchasers, Ardwulf’s Lair, Inventory Full, Jaded Alt, Ark’s Ark, Tremayne’s Law, Blog de la Burro, Just One MMOre, DocHoliday’s MMO Saloon, High Latency Life, MMO Gamer Chick, Skycandy,, Hunter’s Insight, Life is a Mind Bending Puzzle, Berath’s Brain Burps, Epic Slant, Bullet Points, Professor Beej, Journeys with Jaye, Screaming Monkeys, Welcome to Spinksville, Vicarious Existence, Casual is as Casual Does, Star Shadow, I Have Touched The Sky, The Ancient Gaming Noob, Just One More Unlock, A Ding World, Yeebo Fernbottom’s MMO Love In, Stropp’s World, Kill Ten Rats, The Jedi Gambit, Beau Hindman, Blue Kae, Gankalicious, Live Like a Nerd, Casual Stroll to Mordor, Tish Tosh Tesh, Casting a Shaddoe, A Green Mushroom, ALT:ernative, Parallel Context, ETCmmo, Avatars of Steel, Tales of the Aggronaut, West Karana, Contains Moderate Peril, The Stories of O, Levelcapped, LOTRO Fashion, Mr. Meh’s Supplication, Malchome’s Mind/Restokin, Nerdy Bookahs, T.R. Red Skies, Wadstomp, Scary Worlds, will update as more sponsors are added!